Friday, June 21, 2013

CFC 106: Over the Edge


TGIF!!  This week you are challenged to create a CAS project with panels or elements that go off the edge.
The colors look off in the photo.  The scalloped rectangle is actually not orange, it's melon colored and more closely coordinates with the pattern paper.  I could not get the colors to photograph properly.
I know 2 people turning forty in the near future so this card is very much needed right now.  My husband turns 40 next month and I'm looking forward to making a special card for him.
I trimmed my usual A2 card size down so that even with the panel hanging over the edge of my card base, it will still fit in an A2 envelope.
I used the WTF stamp set from CAS-ual Fridays Stamps--our sponsor this week!
This week's winner will win a prize from
 CFS Blog Button
Additional Supplies used:
Cardstock: Basic Gray (SU!), White (PTI)
Pattern Paper:  American Crafts
Dies:  Scalloped rectangle nestabilities, 40 cut with my Silhouette machine.
Ink:  Pallette Noir, Pale Tomato (Hero Arts)

Friday, June 14, 2013

CFC 105: Mapquest

Happy Friday!  This week's CAS-ual Fridays challenge is travel related (maps, things that go, etc. )

My daughters and I love Smash Books. LOVE THEM.  We are going on vacation soon to the coast of Georgia so I bought mini Smash Books for my girls to use specifically for our trip. 

I made a very simple tag for the front of the book that will probably be the first item smashed into the book. :)


Here are a few pics of my Smash Book.  It's not artistic or planned, it's just random stuff I like...I think of it as a true scrapbook.

A few items from my trip "up north" to the Papertrey Ink Stamp-a-Faire convention thingy. 

Hunger Games and True Blood. *sigh*  I actually have more pages devoted to The Hunger Games and True Blood. 

My smash book is movie ticket heavy.  I think I save every movie ticket I get my paws on.

Very random items. I shove things in pockets, like postcards or my daughter's Christmas List.  I make sure to date things when I add them to the book.

Ok, enough nerd.

We have a terrific sponsor this week, none other than...


I'm looking forward to seeing everyone's travel related projects.  Remember, keep it CAS!

Supplies:  Stamp set: Across the Miles from Sweet Stamp Shop. Tag die from Papertrey Ink. Ribbon from SU!.

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

pinterest inspired 100th birthday card

My mom needed a birthday card for a lady at her church who is turning 100.  I found this graphic on Pinterest and thought it was a cute idea for a birthday card.

Image Credit
I snapped a quick pic through Instragram before I passed the card on to my Mom.

Pattern paper is from Echo Park, the tag and sentiments were created on the computer.  No stamping on this one.

Friday, June 7, 2013

CFC 104: Banners & Flags

This is a fun challenge! I love banners and flags!

click to go to the challenge blog

I knew right away I wanted to use the Bountiful Banners stamp set from Papertrey Ink.  I also have been eager to use one of the Mister Huey's sprays I bought last month, they take some practice. :)

I used ink from Hero Arts in Butter Bar and Pale Tomato--I ordered a few pads from Ellen Hutson last month for Mother's Day--a little gift to myself. :)
Ellen Hutson happens to be our sponsor this week!
I am looking forward to seeing how everyone rocks banners & flags this week. 
 Remember, keep it clean and simple!